Monday, December 30, 2019
mr dddsdddd - 1164 Words
GS0155 Interpersonal Communication Summary of concepts from Lecture 1 to Lecture 10 Lecture 1: Universals of IPC What is interpersonal communication? Nature of IPC: dyadic approach a. Dyadic b. Dyadic primacy c. Dyads Two types of dyadic connection: a. Dyadic coalition b. Dyadic consciousness Elements of Interpersonal Communication: (the model of IPC) a. Source-Receiver (encode, decode) b. Messages (feedback message, feed forward message) c. Channel d. Noise (Physical, Physiological, Psychological, Semantic) e. Context (Physical, Temporal, Social-psychological, Cultural) Axioms of IPC: a. IPC is a transactional process b. IPC is ambiguous c. Interpersonal relationships may be symmetrical or complementary d. IPC†¦show more content†¦Women: literal vs. emotive Men are literal Women talk emotively Problem: Men interpret every words women say How men / women listen? Men listen like statues Women listen by providing feedback on speaker’s emotions Problem: Women criticize men’s form of listening as inattentive. How men / women think? Men talk silently to themselves Women think aloud Problem: When men are silent, women think that men don’t love them; men often accuse women of talking too much and her continual talk about problems as a plea for solution. Suggestion: Men need to understand that when a woman talks, she just want you to listen; Women need to understand that when a man doesn’t talk, that is not a clue that something is wrong. How men / women deal with stress? Stressed men won’t talk since they see talking as major sign of weakness Stressed women talk since they share their stress with others to receive comfort and relief Women think that men should share about their problems in order to feel better, but men see women’s sharing or giving advice as criticism. Thus women should leave men alone and let them think. When women share their stress with men, men usually look for main point and provide solution; but women see men’s behavior is a sign of interruption; Men should listen using listening sounds and gestures, and not to offer solutions unless they are asked Lecture 8 Film Analysis – The Proposal Lecture 9 Power in IPC / Interpersonal Conflict
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Review the Methods Used by Public Services to Ensure They...
P5 - Review the methods used by Public Services to ensure they have a diverse workforce The Police Service are trying to recruit more female officers as well as more people from minority groups with an aim to have a more diverse workforce who can relate more to the public. Recently, it has been brought up that there is still institutional racism within the Police force, this, as well as many other reasons such as negative stereotyping, informal bias and assumptions from ethnic minority groups themselves are reasons why people from minority groups are less inclined to join. The Police have introduced a number of ways to try and create a more diverse workforce. Some of these methods include, improving the data collected on the age,†¦show more content†¦in an attempt to increase the diversity the fire service have introduced methods such as appointing an equality and diversity officer to the community who is there to discuss and talk to women and ethnic minority groups about the career opportunities they would encounter if they joined the fire service. The service has introduced a 10 year strategy which has a goal of improving the way the workers treat each other across all parts of the Service but also the effectiveness of the relationship that they have with the public. The strategy has 5 different areas which the service aims to work on to improve diversity.The first is Leadership and promoting inclusion where they want individuals to ‘undertake their role in promoting equality and diversity and ensure any practice or procedure they have responsibility for is effectively equality impact assessed’. The second is accountability which will include the workers making ‘evidence available to the public annually on improvements to service delivery and employment practice, including progress against the employment targets through its website’. The third area is Effective service delivery and community engagement. This aims to involve community and voluntary groups in policy development including members of minority ethnic, religious, disabled, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, men and women, and all age groups more within the work of the fireShow MoreRelatedEssay about answers for p5 Unit 3 Assignment 3 P5 P6 M3 D21025 Words  | 5 PagesDiploma in Public Services Unit 3 Citizenship, Diversity and the Public Services Assignment: Diversity and Equality of Services Date of Issue: Assignment Deadline: Assignment includes: P5 Review the methods used by public services to ensure they have a diverse workforce P6 Explain the duty of public services to provide equality of service to all citizens M3 Analyse the effectiveness of the methods used by public services to promote equality and diversity in society and within the service D2 EvaluateRead MoreHRM 531 Recruitment and Selection Stratagies Essay1549 Words  | 7 Pagesthe right candidate can be a very overwhelming process. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Summit Series Free Essays
The 1972 Summit Series is a hockey series between Canada and the Soviet Union. It took place during the time of the Cold War when the East and West were fighting to prove who was better. The 1972 Summit Series proved that we are the greatest hockey nation creating great nationalism in Canada despite that it was part of the cold war. We will write a custom essay sample on Summit Series or any similar topic only for you Order Now It showed that Canada is the greatest hockey nation, the Summit Series brought all the people of Canada together and it took place at a time during the Cold War. These points will be further explained in the following paragraphs. Firstly, the 1972 Summit Series proved that Canada is the greatest hockey nation ever. â€Å"The NHL long regarded itself as the world’s elite, but the overwhelming superiority of the Soviet Union in international amateur play in the 1960s led to a dramatic 1972 summit series between Team Canada (Canadian NHL players) and the Soviet national team,†(Columbia encyclopaedia, sixth edition). This tells us how before the series the Soviet Union was known as the best international team ever. This series came into play to show who was truly better. Canada ended up winning so it turns out that we are a better hockey nation. Here’s a shot. Henderson makes a wild stab for it and falls,†Foster Hewitt breathlessly described. â€Å"Here’s another shot. Right in front. They score!! Henderson has scored for Canada! †(1972summitseries. com). This quote is when Henderson scored the goal that would put them ahead in the final game of the serious and the goal that would make them win the series! This proves that Canada is the greatest hockey nation because they won the series with this goal. â€Å"What that team did, I don’t think there has been a greater feat in sports. It was an unbelievable comeback against a great Russian team. I’ve never seen anything like it,†said Bobby Orr (1972 Summit Series Quotes). This quote came from one of the greatest hockey players of all time, so that makes it very special. Bobby Orr is explaining how the Russians were a very strong team but we took them down in an amazing series. So it tells us that Canada is better because we beat the amazing Soviet Union team. In conclusion, Canada has earned the title of the greatest hockey nation ever. Secondly, this great series created great nationalism between all Canadians in this beautiful country. â€Å"There was no such thing as francophone or a Westerner, or anything else. We were all Canadians. The series brought us all together. It brought an entire country together. It was Canada playing, not team Canada. It was us against them and every Canadian somehow seemed to have a sense of ownership of that team. I guess war is the only thing that could bring a country together like that series did,†said Paul Henderson (1972 Summit Series Quotes). This quote shows us that this series brought every Canadian together. No matter the race or nationality of the person, they all gathered together to support out country in the 1972 Summit Series. Erik Floren says â€Å"During the series, kids and adults skipped school studies and workplace to amass around radios or TVs. Far from a friendly exhibition- the games exploded into war on ice. The sheer intensity galvanized Canadians of all creeds, colour, and both official languages. †(www. 1972summitseries. com) The Summit Series must have been really important to all Canadians because this quote tells us how every Canadian, even if they don like hockey, skipped out on there duties to watch this exciting seven game series. In Canada today, the Summit Series remains a source of much national pride, and is seen by many as a landmark event in Canadian cultural history†(Global Oneness Encyclopaedia II). The 1972 Summit Series meant a lot to all Canadians, and still does. It is still an important part of our past and always will be. For those who were alive at the time when this occurred, they will definitely never forget this amazing series. This series brought Canadian s together like no other event could. Everybody took pride and honour from this victory whether they were hockey fans or not. Lastly, the Summit Series was a part of the Cold War. The Cold War is when the West and East of the world were fighting to prove who was better. A member of the team Canada, Phil Esposito says, â€Å"It was a war, our society vs. theirs†(1972 Summit Series Quotes). He means that it was a war between communism and democracy. Our society is a democratic society, and people over here think that it is better then communism. The Soviet Union is a communist country and they were fighting to show that they were better. â€Å"By the early 1970’s, the Soviet Union was at the peak of its power. The Communist Party remained the sole political force in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union attempted to assert itself as the world’s dominant superpower†(Cold War (1972-1989): the Collapse of the Soviet Union). The East was starting to become even more powerful and the West didn’t know what to do to stop them. For every time that Russia had a great accomplishment, the U. S or the West would take a step back instead of forward. The Summit Series helped slow down the East on their rise to the top and gave the West a big step on becoming better. It was war and yes, hell for us whether we wanted it or not†(1972 Summit Series Quotes) said Phil Esposito. This means that team Canada could not back out of this series even if they wanted to. It was a big part of the Cold War and meant so much to all the people in the West. So the players basically didn’t have a choice, they had to play and win or else people would have been angry and it would not have turne d out well. This series came alive at a time during the Cold War and helped the West to become the better side of the world. This great hockey serious which took place in 1972, showed the entire world that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world and that no other country can even compare. The 1972 Summit Series also brought every Canadian together, no matter what race, religion, or gender together like no other event or thing could. Lastly, this epic battle took place at the time of the Cold War, when there was a feud between communism and democracy. They were fighting to prove who was better, the East or West. The 1972 Summit Series could possibly be the most defining point in Canadian history and it will never be forgotten. How to cite Summit Series, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
My Trip to Dahab Essay Example For Students
My Trip to Dahab Essay In the last summer I went with my family to spend a day in Dahab city, which is a city in Sinai desert in Egypt. It was only a one day trip, but I will never forget what we did in that day. It was interesting from the first minute till the last minute, because in every part of it we did something that will be memorable till the end of our lives. In the beginning of the day it was boring like the other normal days. I woke up early in the morning feeling bored and not happy, so I went to my mothers room and I found her talking with my father about going to Dahab city to spend the rest of the day in there, and because my mother was a good persuasive person so my father agreed. I was so excited to hear this news and I went quickly to pack my bag and prepare myself. After about one hour we all packed our bags and went to our car to start the trip. It took us about two hours to go from our home to Dahab. In our way to there my father kept saying jokes and funny accidents that happened to him when he was young. I couldn’t control myself and I was jumping of my seat laughing, as well as my mother. After all of that jokes and laughs we finally reached our destination. We went to a resort called The Dream Beach, one of the most famous resorts in there. We reserved one room in the first row of rooms, because their sea view was perfect. They took our bags and put them in the room. After all of this we went to the beach and I found two of my classmates in there so I invited them to come and spend the day with us. We spent a couple of hours swimming and playing volley ball, and then we went to take our lunch, which were chicken salad sandwiches. After the meal we went to our room to play cards and other funny games, which we really enjoyed because we kept laughing and laughing about the things that everyone did during the day. We kept playing till the sunset. Then we packed our things to go home. In the way back to our home we watched a very funny movie that took most of the time. At the end we went home and I was so sleepy so I went to my room and took my clothes of and then went straight to my bed and I spent a couple of minutes laughing for no reason and suddenly I slept. It was such a day that changed my entire boring mood into a funny and exciting one. I will never forget that day and what we did in it. I hope we may do another unforgettable trip to added to my memories and add some more beautiful time to my life.
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